segunda-feira, 17 de maio de 2010

[Event] The Book of Mormon/YouTube Challenge

09:27 Posted by: Mormon Missionary 0 comments

It is an invitation to all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and no members too created by Erin Jakob on Facebook. I have been invited by my friend Eric Wadron. I've confirmed my presence, why you no longer do it?

In the moment there are already 17,732 confirmed at the event and each day it will grow up, because in the of my confirmation it had more than 9 millions and now to most of 16 millions it's a great diference! Make part of this...!

But, how can I do part of this thing that I don't know what is this? Or how to join?

I'll put only one piece of description how has in the page of event, that said:

"Dear friends,
On May 3, 2010 (perhaps as part of your Family Home Evening program) if all reachable members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints--and any non members interested-- would follow the link and watch the YouTube video of Jeffrey R. Holland bearing testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, we could potentially achieve promoting that video to the YouTube homepage, based on volume of views."

To learn why this serves and more other informations just CLICK HERE and know how many participants there at the moment, how many people have already confirmed their presence and many other things ...

PS.: The MormonMissionary - A Site For The Mormon Missionaries reports that not getting profits to disclose this event, it was entirely own will of the owner of the site advertising the event. If you want to do the same, just copy and give credit to responsible for the event and sites involved. The site also reports that at no time wanted to "attack" and anyone who asks everyone to enjoy the event the next day May 3rd and watch the video!

Cheers to all!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 20 April 2010 15:35 E-mail Print PDF

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